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Java apps on

I use to host and I notice they have started letting us run any application. So finally this may let me use Java for bits of my own website. To date I haven’t done this as java app hosting is much more expensive than PHP.

I have decided to use Jetty and see how hard it is to get going.


  • Create a custom application - this tells you the folder and port to use.
  • Download Sun JDK 1.6 (the bin version) and upload it to webfaction
  • Download Jetty and upload it to webfaction
  • Edit jetty.xml and set
    • The TCP Port to be the assigned port (from webfaction control panel)
    • You may want to disable request logging by removing references to it
  • Create a script to start jetty - make sure you set the -Xmx parameter to be less than your hosting plan.

    TEST=`pgrep java -u bgidley`#if [ $(ps -ef | grep java | grep bgidley | grep -v grep) ] ; then
    if [ -z $TEST ] ; then
    echo “Jetty Not Running so starting”
    cd $JETTY_HOME
    nohup $JAVA_HOME/bin/java $JAVA_OPTS -jar start.jar &
    echo $(ps -ef | grep java | grep bgidley | grep -v grep)
    echo “Running”

  • Start it and map it into one of your sites in control page.
  • Optionally add the startup script to cron to restart it every 20 minutes if it crashes.

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